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The "new light" never extinguishes the old "light", but adds to it - C.T. Russell, WT February 1881

Srecko Sostar

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


prije 9 sati

Ironically, the governing body grants themselves, the right to question the doctrines, and even disagree, and suggest alternative explanations or interpretations to scripture, and yet, if any regular witness, was to do what they do every Wednesday, they would be disfellowshipped for apostasy

from YT :      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u25uLUBIilM&t=36s






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One more thing is interesting. Some of that can be clearly seen in the comment from @Errikos Tsiamis.

Namely, since JWs agree that, of all the written things they have on paper or digitally, only the Bible is "inspired", I would link it to the sworn statement of the respected GB guardian of the doctrine
Geoffrey Jackson.
Quote: "Governing body realizes that if we were to give some direction that is not in harmony with God's Word, all of JWs worldwide who have Bible would notice that, and they would see that this wrong direction. If direction is given based on the Bible we would expect that they would follow that because of the respect of the Bible and the definitive interpretation of the Bible." - 

From this it should be evident that every JW has the right to be "led, guide" (inspired) with the HS and make a conclusion about the doctrines that come from the GB. And they should be free to accept or reject them. But this is in theory. In practice, the WTJWorg Corporation declares those who do not want to believe every GB doctrine as "apostates".
So, the statement of this GB member is a performance for the outside world. The proof that this testimony was only for "unbelievers" is confirmed by the fact that this public testimony of a "Christian" was not shown on JWTV. Jesus said that His followers would be called before the rulers of this world to testify for Him. For whom did GJ testify? For Jesus or for WTJWorg? Why don't GB take positive pride in the "public testimony" of their member, and show to the entire international brotherhood how they should stand before the Court of this "satanic world".


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I remember with great fondness what used to be called the midweek bookstudy, which to me was always the “Tuesday Night BookStudy” because it was always on Tuesday for us, where small groups would meet in someone’s home, and study one of the society’s publications, always a book.

This was a custom for many years, and it evolved into the bookstudy with association afterwards, which means the meeting took about an hour and a half, instead of one hour, and we would associate with each other and chat before going home, and one night of the month was called “Goodie Night” when we would bring cakes or pies or muffins and associate while eating the goodies, after the official bookstudy ended.

Very pleasant. Educational too. A half century later I have a very clear mental image about the fall of Babylon, and the wise verses foolish virgins and the sources of Truth ….

I don’t know anybody who ever objected to it for any reason and can’t even think of a reason why it was not continued.

So then one day the Governing Body, and I didn’t even know we had a Governing Body back then, decided to discontinue the “Tuesday Night Book Study“., And it was consigned to the ash bin of history.

The reason they gave, officially, is that gas prices had gotten so high, this would save money on driving to the book study. The letter was read at the Kingdom Hall.

…. and it was consigned to the ash bin of history. 

Even as a young man I did not believe this from the instant I heard it.

…. It just made no sense at all.

To cancel the book study for that reason made no sense at all.

Did I mention that it made no sense at all?

I have always wondered in the decades that followed,  what the real reason was.

Does anybody have any idea what the real reason was?


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8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Does anybody have any idea what the real reason was?

I don't know the real reasons, of course. Let's say that someone in GB lost their attention and concentration. The third meeting is a good tool to keep people under tension so that they do not become idle or active in undesirable areas, even if it is related to their private affairs. Yes, there was also informal socializing with food and tea. It was and it's over.

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1 hour ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

Therefore, religious institutions that faithfully embody the teachings of Christ as practiced in the first century hold immense significance within the realm of spirituality. These institutions, which may take the form of churches, congregations, or religious organizations, strive to uphold and transmit the timeless message of God's word. Such institutions, through their commitment to following Christ's teachings, play a vital role in nurturing and guiding individuals on their spiritual journey. 

By faithfully aligning themselves with the principles and values exemplified in the first century, they offer a reliable and authentic representation of Christ's message. This allows individuals seeking spiritual growth and a deeper connection with God to find solace, guidance, and community within these religious spaces. 

In addition to faithfully embodying Christ's teachings, religious institutions can further amplify their impact through diligent scholarly pursuits. By engaging in rigorous academic exploration, they enhance their understanding of the historical and cultural context in which the teachings of Christ originated. This scholarly endeavor can include careful examination of biblical texts (Revised), the historical events surrounding the life of Jesus, and the sociocultural dynamics prevailing during that time. It is important to note that the methods employed by religious institutions in disseminating God's word may vary. Some religious institutions may embrace traditional approaches, employing rituals, liturgy, and orthodox practices. Others may adopt more contemporary methods, utilizing multimedia, interactive programs, and technological advancements to communicate their teachings. Regardless of the methods employed, the intent is not the same when connecting individuals to the true transformative power of God's word. 

In conclusion, religious institutions that faithfully embody the teachings of Christ as practiced in the first century possess a unique capacity to serve as powerful conduits of God's word. Their commitment to these teachings, coupled with diligent scholarly pursuits, enhances their effectiveness as teachers. By prioritizing authenticity, integrity, and intellectual growth, these institutions create an environment where individuals can deepen their understanding of God's message and develop a personal relationship with Him.

I would only refer to this half of your presentation, because the first part is a kind of unnecessary litany, in my opinion.

It would be useful to publicly present the basic teachings and values that Jesus proclaimed. Believing that there is not too much to write, listing them accurately would help establish what was the practice of the people, in the first century, who, allegedly, followed the teachings of Jesus. And did those first followers adapt the basic teachings, values and principles from Jesus' words to the existing situations and circumstances of life in which they found themselves?

I question how consistent the first followers were with the original and whether their solution to a situation was one that Jesus would approve of or not.

Below is a question arising from your comment. Is "embodying the teachings of Jesus as practiced in the first century" really the practice needed in the 20th and 21st century and is it consistent with the JW idea of "progressive knowledge of the truth"?

If something JW call progressive in the 20th and 21st century proving it with own changes in doctrines and practice? Be careful, in the doctrines and practice. Then I wonder how holding and going back to 1st century doctrines and practices is more advanced than the "progressive progress" of WTJWorg today in present time?

Since a parallel is drawn (in JW perspective) between the first Christian body (apostles and other prominent people) from the 1st century and today's GB, then we will be stuck in the fact that both classes are "imperfect and err in doctrinal and instructional teachings".

If this is true, and it is true, then the first leading men also did and wrote "nonsense" while leading the congregations of the first Christians. How then can it be argued that today's WTJWorg aspiration to return to such roots will turn out to be good?

The other thing you talk about is the use of science and the "diligent scientific work of religious institutions". So what is this about? WTJWorg discourages and even sanctions JW people who like higher education and scientific interpretations. What kind of interaction did the first Christians and science have? What is evident from the Bible? I don't know anything about that.

The only thing I know is that Paul was referring to the poets of his time. If WTJWorg wants to follow the example of the early Christians, then it should quote poets and not scientists in its publications. :) 

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