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Paul's Letter to the Galatians and the Struggle for Doctrinal Purity

Juan Rivera

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I had no idea this topic ran on for so long when I replied above. I am reminded of the popular psych line, ‘woulda shoulda coulda,.’ What one can discern in later years, with the benefit on unhurried

What? It was a red herring? They got me all going over a red herring? I sure won’t make that mistake again! Hmm…..if the ball cost x, and the bat cost x + 1, then the price of the ball . . . 

@Juan Rivera I finally read through this whole topic, previously only noticing some side topics of interest to me at the time.  And I see that you have often addressed me here and hoped I would offer

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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Supernatural society?

If they were to claim that Jesus came from heaven in the form of a human child, this could mean that his birth from a human mother was "supernatural".
If they were to claim that the man Jesus established a new society consisting of human imperfect individuals whom he found living at the same time as him, then I see nothing "supernatural" about it.

This same JWs "supernatural society" does such stupid things that it nullifies all the effects of the "supernatural".

Any unity or society established by men is natural. The Congregation's origin, comes from Christ directly, it's his Body, established by him, not merely providentially.

Yes, the Congregation is so human that one can walk right past it without recognizing it for what it is, because her members have no form or majesty that we should look at them, they are in some respects quite ordinary. But there is something unique about the Congregation, something that characterized Jesus:

“He was despised and was avoided by men, A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness. It was as if his face were hidden from us. He was despised, and we held him as of no account.” (Isaiah 53:3) "Well, at hearing these things, they were infuriated in their hearts and began to grind their teeth at him" (Acts 7:54)

To find Jesus, we could have followed the loathing, hate and rage, and it would have led us right to Him. Likewise, to find His Body today, follow the same. Naaman, for example, did not like the muddy Jordan. He would have picked a cleaner river back home near Damascus. But the issue was accepting what God had said through His prophet, even though it wasn't the way Naaman would have ordered it up. Here's the Body of Christ, still with us, rent and torn, and we can be like the priest and Levite, who passed by on the other side of the road, or we can be like the good Samaritan, who stopped and bandaged up the wounds, pouring oil and wine on them ( Ephesians 5:29)

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15 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Everything is possible with Georg. lol

Neurotic agenda driven envy always results in ignoring facts, and deranged obsessions. He AWAYS MISSES THE POINT(S).

It’s called “obsessive cluelessness”.

The WDS sword cuts both ways … and it cuts deep.


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2 hours ago, George88 said:

These organizations require extra funds from their followers in order to create a certain appearance of benevolence. The Watchtower requests donations from its members to sustain worship and avoid being equated with the Pharisees. Just as a reminder, other Christian denominations allocate some of these donated funds to "compensate" their clergy.

WTJWorg has affiliate organizations all over the world. The smallest of them are called by the name - congregation. Congregations are part of, under the administration of a national body registered in a particular country. Shortened, colloquial name - Betel. Each such religious registered body receives a certain amount of money from its state and thus has financial support for its activities. It may also have some other financial benefits, such as exemption from tax on purchases and the like.

In addition to donations from its own membership and government money, WTJWorg buys, sells and builds real estate. So organization (GB) is also involved in the real estate business. I guess that's what Jesus recommended. lol
Furthermore, WTJWor goes so far as to sue the state if it wants to be denied its "annual appanage."


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18 minutes ago, George88 said:

The humor lies with the uneducated, lol!

I also don't have any issues. The thing is, James (Pudgy) thinks, he is the only one that can insult here.

I don't object to the church being informed of the terrible crimes committed by an individual. As stated in Matthew 18, if someone refuses to acknowledge and repent privately, it is appropriate for the church to be made aware. If that individual continues to refuse to repent, they should be treated as a tax collector. In the time of the Jews, tax collectors were greatly disliked (hated). It is important for children to have a visual understanding of who is being identified as a pedophile, as it will help them to avoid such individuals. Therefore, I support this advocacy. If these people are scared for life due to their foolish position, I see no reason to stand in their way, haha!

In the United States, there is a growing concern as some individuals manage to evade the requirement of registering as sex offenders, leaving others permanently affected. However, we can remain hopeful that, over time, these issues will be properly addressed.


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4 hours ago, Juan Rivera said:

Any unity or society established by men is natural.

If I understand correctly, we have this situation:

1. WTJWorg ("only true Christian Congregation") is a "supernatural organization" because it was established by Jesus, who came from "Heaven".
2. Every other religion, political creation, and commercial system is also a "supernatural organization" because, according to WTJWorg theology, their "father" is Satan. Satan is also from "Heaven".


The result: there is almost nothing "normally natural" on Earth.
Should we laugh at all this or should we cry?

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Watchtower Derangement Syndrome.

”The sword that cuts both ways” (tm)

There are those agenda driven people who despise the “Watchtower People” and can see absolutely nothing right about any of it.

There are those agenda driven people who worship everything “Watchtower” and will defend it no matter what the facts are.

Both are very, very wrong …. but they tend to bloviate here.


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9 hours ago, George88 said:

Who do you think pays the kingdom hall bills, the government, lol!

What motivates JWs to sue Norway? Well, money, right?

9 hours ago, George88 said:

In addition to the expansion of spreading the good news globally, the Watchtower should consider investing* in other areas that align with its mission.

Do you justify that a "humanitarian organization" deals with investing?

*the bolding is mine

9 hours ago, George88 said:

Should sincere Christians support Christian sects, such as the Vatican, that endorse "same-sex unions" simply due to their parishioners' contributions to the needy?

It is a matter of theology and the choice of a church how it will deal with such questions. Whether a certain worldview or theological interpretation is accepted by believers and those who are not, or whether the doctrine needs to be critically reexamined, is a matter of our perception and position on an issue. WTJWorg also has unacceptable theology on some subjects, so by the same standard should JWs be restricted because of that, or?

The Norwegian government is doing just that. It is unacceptable to them that former members are being ignored in the organized way that WTJWorg is doing. The Catholic Church has no such practice. That is why they are not in court.
JWs have similar/same practices as Mormons when it comes to homosexuals. JWs allow someone in the congregation to be homosexual, but they are not allowed to practice their sexual needs.

9 hours ago, George88 said:

It's time you started proving your lies.

I don't remember anywhere claiming that GB members take donation money and put it into their private accounts. If you have proof that I claimed that, please show it.

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