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9 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Hey! I’m just trying to understand WHY a grinding policy of 80 and more years was suddenly reversed 180°.

Because they tried to do it gradually and it didn’t work:


I did my very best to reassemble all—the good, the bad, and the ugly—stopping short only at the ridiculous.

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… that’s MY forte’!


Yeah … if you are going to reverse a policy that is dumber than bat crap, and is diametrically 180° to simple  clear scriptural principles, and is completely arbitrary and capricious and causes .. actually CAUSES division and oppression … chasing good people away … why do it all at once?

Drag it out . Take it slow. The rubes are so dumb they will never notice.

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59 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

… that’s MY forte’!


Still scratching my head over the 60K+ downloads in a two-day period. 80 hits a day are average for my blog. Then one day it is 40K, followed by 20K? My entire blog consists of less that 1500 posts.

It’s probably some AI bot kind of thing. As such, is it good or bad? If it trains AI to defend the good news and kick back that those who accuse our brothers day and night before our God, as in Revelation 12:10, then it is a good thing.

But I suspect it is just as likely, if not more,  to be some data-scraping thing for ignoble ends. Elon Musk capped access to other people’s tweets to the most recent two-dozen or so because AI-enabled competitors were scraping massive data in order to open competing sites, even contradicting sites, since everything is political these days. 

Most innovations of humans are immediately put to bad use, sometimes outstripping its good use. AI might be one of those things. Here is an article to the effect that fake and lying AI generated news channels are proliferating so quickly as to make uncovering the truth of anything a near-impossible task:



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George88, you skim the news and pick up enough details to be dangerous.

The Pope allows same-sex UNIONS or Associations to be “blessed” for the first time. NOT same sex marriages which are still prohibited. 

Go back and read the articles three times. Take Notes. While you are at it go back and study the GB video #2023-8 with Stephen Lett .

You CAN stop being wrong about everything, all the time, if you improve you reading comprehension by ACTUALLY reading or watching what you glean several times … and take notes.


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2 hours ago, George88 said:

Fiducia supplicans

I. Blessing in the sacrament of marriage

4. The recent response of the Holy Father Francis to the second of the five questions posed by the two cardinals[4] offers the possibility of further consideration of the question, especially in its pastoral implications. It is about avoiding "recognizing as marriage something that it is not".[5] Therefore, rites and prayers that can create confusion between what is contrary to marriage and what is fundamental to marriage as "an exclusive, permanent and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to the birth of children" are inadmissible.[6] This belief is based on the timeless Catholic teaching on marriage. It is only in this context that sexual relations find their natural, appropriate and completely human meaning. Church teaching on this matter remains constant.

5. This is also the understanding of marriage that we find in the Gospel. Therefore, regarding the blessing, the Church has the right and duty to avoid any type of ceremony that could contradict this belief or lead to any confusion. This is also the meaning of the Responsum of the then Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which states that the Church does not have the authority to bless same-sex unions.

6. It should be emphasized that when the sacrament of marriage is celebrated, it is not about any kind of blessing, but about a gesture that is reserved for an ordained minister. In this case, the blessing of the ordained minister is directly related to the concrete union of a man and a woman who, with their consent, establish a permanent and indissoluble union. This allows us to better emphasize the risk of mixing the blessing, given to any other union, with the rite of the sacrament of marriage.


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