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A lot of speculation there. I think this is about unity. I always say there is strength in numbers. It's apparent that HQ received many "complaints" (they said so) from people who were argui

I think the current GB realizes it has a compilation of messes on its hands that can only accrue problematically. It's trying to dig itself out. But the fear is the pile is too deep. Ultimately the 19

My speculations aren't worth the time to read them, but I'm guessing a timeline like the following:  2024: No more Circuit Overseers. (The reason that the District Overseers were let go was not b

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2 hours ago, George88 said:

Oh, the advent of Cable TV! Witness the allure of vice on a compact display. Now, behold the rise of the internet, which transferred this depravity to an even smaller screen, but one that can be amplified by a projector. The disparity lies in the clarity, Ha ha!

Still working our way through the ‘Have Gun Will Travel’ shows


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8 hours ago, Many Miles said:

No worries. He's right. I love my crickets. They sing me to sleep. Unless one's in the house. That's dog just won't hunt! He's gotta go! But them ones outside, they be fine by me.

Now when the cicadas come out. They drown out my crickets and a soul can hardly sleep with all that noise.

But crickets? They be fine!

I like crickets and cicadas

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6 hours ago, Thinking said:

I agree with him as well…all this thread does is make me stronger in my personal stand 

I'm kind of split in half......I can't make my mind up. The thought of having someone's blood pumped into my veins, that dark red bag hanging from the IV stand, makes me feel physically sick. But that may be because of years of "indoctrination". (I don't mean that in a bad way....just that this is what we have been taught and believe).

The main thing is how does Jehovah feel about it of course. The admonition to abstain from blood seems pretty clear, I don't know how else one could interpret that....I mean I know this whole thread has attempted that, but then some of the arguments get too ridiculous and again, remind me of the cat parody....

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I have the complete DVD set of “Have Gun, Will Travel”. Excellent series about a gun for hire who preferred to settle disputes without violence.

Also interesting to watch Richard Boone’s skills as Paladin develop as the TV series developed from the old radio shows on CBS circa 1959, with pretty much the exact same scripts.

A great documentary is “The Making of Chicken Run, Dawn of the Nugget” on Netflix.

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8 hours ago, xero said:

2 Samuel 23:13-17,In this passage, David's mighty warriors risked their lives to fetch him water from the well near Bethlehem because David expressed a longing for it. However, when they presented the water to him, David considered it as if it were the blood of his men who had risked their lives to obtain it, and he refused to drink it, instead pouring it out as an offering to Jehovah.

Jesus risked his life for another, like David's soldiers. How would Jesus feel if someone said now; No, I don't want your sacrifice Jesus, that's still too much. Why did you put yourself at risk in the first place?

In the example with David, he asked for water. The soldiers considered it a great honor to please their king.
Did sinners desire the sacrifice of Jesus? Not. He gave blood to everyone to "drink" because he wants to help them.
David refuses "water" aka blood and that makes him a hero in your eyes. Does the one who refuses "blood" aka salvation from Jesus become a hero?

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16 hours ago, xero said:

My point is that when you can take what amounts to everything but the cell wall, just so long as you do it in small enough pieces just sounds to any unindoctrinated observer as pharisaical nit picking. 


You must be a vegetarian then.?

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