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The difference is that God did not declare that organs were precious to him and provide rules for their use. 

There is not even a stated objection to straight cannibalism ! None whatsoever!

Jehovah DID declare that blood was precious to him, and in addition to SPECIFIC rules, the respect for honoring his jealous possessiveness of blood is a common CONSISTENT theme that runs throughout the Old and New Testament.

THAT is the difference!

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34 minutes ago, George88 said:

How will my personal experiences demonstrate the stark contrast between my life and those of others? I can assure you that this is indeed the reality. There is no need for me to display my personal experiences. Would someone like "Pudgy" make light of my suffering? I strongly suspect he would, which is why I refuse to provide him with a target. What is your interest in this matter? 

Are you the one who builds them up, just so that he can tear them down? Is that the way things are done around here?

I have never “made fun” of anybody’s disabilities … except of course my own if it makes for a good joke.

I may make fun of a one-legged tap dancer in general, unaware that someone here is one however.

I do consider it open season on arrogant bullies, manipulators, and the deliberately stupid.

I do have a macabre. sense of humor.


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6 minutes ago, George88 said:

Tom, if you wish for me to depart from this forum, simply give the command, and I shall gracefully exit without hesitation. However, do not be caught off guard if another individual steps in and assumes my role.

Perhaps Pudgy will tell you about the Matrix movies.

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8 minutes ago, George88 said:

So, it's great to know that you mock those who include you. I hope Tom acknowledges your arrogant post and my justification. I thought we only needed Xero for insults. I welcome your group of nonconformists. Remember, your words mean nothing to me.

Don't worry about me. Just take the hits and keep doing you. Everything you've posted has value from my perspective. Never mind how it looks like I've received it. I prefer to be in a room with people who disagree. I can't learn a thing if people don't take whatever I say and tear it up. I often disagree with something I've said five minutes after I've said it.

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3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Nikada se nisam “ismijavao” s nečijim nedostacima ... osim, naravno, svojim vlastitim ako je to dobra šala.

Smijem se općenito rugati jednonogom stepu, nesvjestan da je ovdje netko takav.

Smatram da je otvorena sezona za arogantne nasilnike, manipulatore i namjerno glupe.

Imam jezivo. smisao za humor.


The laugh is because of the last sentence in the Warning.

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