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JW Insider

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Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.

AlanF commented quite often on this forum when he was alive. He and @scholar JW had a history going back for many years —decades—according to scholar JW. Same with Ann O’maly whom scholar JW also appe

When AlanF, in full evolutionist mode, savaging anyone who ‘refused to learn,’ made a similar statement, I said, “It’s just you and me, you blowhard! plus maybe a half-dozen more. What! Do you think y

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39 minutes ago, George88 said:

"When did I post that? Or is it a manipulated piece to prompt a response from you? I know you have the power to add or erase other people's comments. Could this be one of those instances, or was it taken from another post? Such actions would indicate fraud and deception.   I would figure it out, but I REALLY need to take a reading comprehension course, and I am being spied on by a duck with binoculars.”


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3 hours ago, George88 said:

"When did I post that?

You posted it just a matter of a minute or so before I quoted it. Surprised you didn't remember posting it just a minute earlier. It was part of what you said here, quoting the scripture. I'll highlight it in red:

3 hours ago, George88 said:

To those who have left their faith, the words of scripture no longer hold meaning. But should those who represent God hold the same belief?

2 Timothy 2:14-4:5 New International Version
Dealing With False Teachers
14 Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18 who have departed from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. 19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”


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6 hours ago, George88 said:

Or is it a manipulated piece to prompt a response from you? I know you have the power to add or erase other people's comments. Could this be one of those instances, or was it taken from another post? Such actions would indicate fraud and deception."

No. It suspect it was just an issue with your memory. No biggie. We are all getting a bit older every day. No need to be paranoid about a manipulated piece. I don't do that. I have the power to delete comments, but I don't have the power to "add" them, LOL. Since there are none of those instances, it couldn't be one of them. Besides, even if I really had made a mistake and taken it from another post, it wouldn't be fraud and deception. It would have just been a mistake. 

In this case it was your mistake, not mine, but I am not so paranoid or anxious to accuse others so as to think it would have been fraud or deception. I do think it's a matter of "wishful thinking" on your part, though. You probably "wish" you could accuse me of fraud and deception and actually find evidence for that, even if you have to grasp at straws to do it. This is the same danger I have been talking about when promoting teachings with no evidence, or very weak and faulty evidence. People are always willing to grasp at straws to try to sow doubt on the evidence that doesn't fit their agenda, or they try the old standby ad hominem against the person presenting it.  

This is exactly what I wish would change. And of course you will continue with the accusations because, if you are anything like your other personas here, you never admit a mistake.

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2 hours ago, George88 said:

Oh Okay, it has to do with you making up things, got it,

As everyone can now see, I didn't make anything up. I simply quoted correctly from what you had just posted a minute or so earlier.

I never expected you to admit a mistake. This is a tiny one, but the bigger the mistake the more you dig in your heels and try to project it onto the other person. You should be aware, however, that almost by definition, that a person who is known for projecting their faults and insecurities onto others, ends up revealing a lot more about themselves.

2 hours ago, George88 said:

since none of that has to do with your remark. Perhaps you had something different in mind,

No. It had everything to do with my remark. Jesus spoke of the resurrection at the last day, but persons in the first century were believing the times and seasons were in their own jurisdiction and claiming that the resurrection had already occurred, just as you posted. The exact same thing happens with the 1914 doctrine, because we tie that to the claim that the first resurrection has already occurred:

*** w07 1/1 p. 28 par. 11 “The First Resurrection”—Now Under Way! ***
That would indicate that the first resurrection began sometime between 1914 and 1935. Can we be more precise?

2 hours ago, George88 said:

and your recollection might be faltering, but it's perfectly natural.

I'm hearing an echolalia. You are repeating what I was saying above, except that you are projecting it back as if you have never been able to admit a mistake and must try to make your mistake stick to the person who pointed it out. 

1 hour ago, George88 said:

He is a fraudster, . . . Furthermore, he is not only manipulating scripture but also distorting its context, linking it to chronology.

Please keep in mind how others perceive a person who is bent on projecting their errors onto others. It's almost like confession. Note again that it was the Watchtower that linked the first resurrection to the 1914 chronology. (See above.)

I think everyone is aware that subtext of every discussion of Neo-Babylonian chronology is always the 1914 doctrine. 

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9 hours ago, George88 said:

It's evident to everyone that you've manipulated my words by adding scripture to create a misleading statement, and now you're attempting to rectify the situation.

Always on the attack, aren't you. Always divisive. Always causing contentions. I didn't add the scripture, you did.

Turns out that everyone here quotes what people say, even snippets of scripture, or snippets of Watchtower or Insight references. Even you do this:

On 3/1/2024 at 6:25 PM, George88 said:
On 3/1/2024 at 2:56 PM, JW Insider said:
  • Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology, by David Brown, published 2000, pages 164, 201-202.
  • Bibliotheca Orientalis, L N° 1/2, Januari-Maart, 1993, “The Astronomical Diaries as a Source for Achaemenid
On 3/1/2024 at 4:52 PM, JW Insider said:

. . . (An Astronomical Observer’s Text of the 37th Year Nebuchadnezzar II), by Paul V. Neugebauer and Ernst F. Weidner, pages 67-76, . . . (Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy—Astrology, by David Brown, published 2000,

Oh my!! Show me where I ever said these things above that you say I said. I never said them. Should I call you a fraudster because of what you did? Of course not!

I hope you see how silly you are sounding. You did the exact same thing when you quoted "me" and showed that I said something I never did. I never said those things. The "Insight" book and "Watchtower" did. But you distorted what I supposedly said by removing the reference pages I gave to "Insight" and to the "Watchtower," and made it look like I said it. All I did is quote from the "Insight" book and all you did is quote from a scripture. 

However, I apologize for not reminding you that what I was re-quoting the verse from Timothy that you had just quoted. I don't really expect an apology from you for what you did, because I don't want one, it's not a big deal. I recognized what you had quoted from just as I expected you would recognize the scripture you had just quoted from. 

I will try to be more careful to not follow your own example, and be more careful when requoting scriptures that people might not recognize as scripture. 

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It’s sorta like Bill Clinton

EVERYBODY on both sides knew he lied about everything.

EVERYBODY on both sides were razzle-dazzeled with his skill at lying.


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 and so (cues the organist) … that ends another thrilling episode of “The Vicar of Warwick”. where the Vicar and ex-Bethelite Quasimodo whack-a-mole each other back and forth with great blows, none seeming to have any effect.

At all.

Tune in to the NEXT episode of season 15, when Quasimodo, loosing patience, finally pulls the lever, consigning the Vicar to the bowels of Twitter, now known as “X”.

(organ music stops as organist stands up and joins in thunderous applause …).

fade to black.

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My apologies. But I have removed some more of the "Vicar of Warwick" saga and other posts from xero's Nineveh topic over to here because it's just not close enough to the chronology topic that started there. These posts are not really about forum participants we have known either, but this has already become kind of a catch-all for unnecessary dialogues.

@Pudgy @BTK59 @George88 @Srecko Sostar

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54 minutes ago, George88 said:

In order to establish my true identity as BTK and others that JWI thinks are the same, it would be essential to showcase a comprehensive understanding of the psychological makeup, which might not be readily evident to everyone. Mere resemblance in writing style and tone alone lacks the impact and meaning that one with keen perception and discernment would seek that no one in the closed club posses.

I think it has become clear in the last few weeks that @JW Insider and @Pudgy were the same person. Both have inexplicably vanished after years and years of constant activity. 

I should have spotted it from their similar writing styles and tones. I admit, I did not recognize their identical psychological makeup, despite my keen perception and discernment.  My bad. I think @Juan Rivera is just doing a little forensic work, trying to find out what happened to them. I admit, I would like to know, too. 

JWI has long been sending signals that he thinks his work here, in the main, is done. Plus, he has aging parents to care for, as well as grandchildren to distract him. Pudgy was getting up there in years. I hope the old boy is okay, outlandish though many of his posts were.

54 minutes ago, George88 said:

Who is ringing the bell now Tom?

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!

Oowhooooo! Wooruuffff, wruffff, bark bark bark woooorrrrfffffffff!!!!!!!

“Pudgy, shut up! Shut up! It’s just George! You know George. Will you stop it already!? You mangy mutt! Stop it! Shut up!”

But now he’s gone, along with JWI. Whatever happened to those two?

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