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1 hour ago, George88 said:

If you have something to say to "Juan Rivera", why not just express it directly, rather than praising individuals and aligning with someone considered a failure in the eyes of God.

In order to establish my true identity as BTK and others that JWI thinks are the same, it would be essential to showcase a comprehensive understanding of the psychological makeup, which might not be readily evident to everyone. Mere resemblance in writing style and tone alone lacks the impact and meaning that one with keen perception and discernment would seek that no one in the closed club posses.

I’m curious, George. Why do you hide behind a moniker? I can think of several reasons why others do it, including their own admissions, but what is the rationalization for your persona? 🙏 @George88


@TrueTomHarley JWI mentioned that he was involved in several other projects and activities. I haven’t been active lately, because there’s just too much content and input worth browsing here.

Many miles sent me a message about a month ago that I had a knee jerk reaction to because I took as condescending, but it was most likely done in good faith. Hope he is doing good and can continue despite his pain and convictions about the blood issues.

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Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.

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27 minutes ago, George88 said:

Curiosity killed the cat, haven't you heard that saying? I wonder why my name changing from George is such a pressing matter for you. Is this what you value and appreciate of yours is for a mere mortal instead of God?

But satisfaction brought it back, haven’t you heard? Is a pressing matter because the more I know about you, the more I can determine your credibility, your sincerity, your authenticity. So why do you hide behind a moniker?. Why hide if Jehovah values transparency, honesty and speaking the truth and makes us accountable for it? 

27 minutes ago, George88 said:

How can someone who displays condescension recognize when they are being condescended to?

Self-awareness and Experience.  Feedback from Others. It triggers an emotional response. People can change and develop empathy and reflect on their behavior. Understanding the mechanics of condescension. Because they can still interpret tone, body language, and context to identify condescension. 

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1 hour ago, George88 said:

James appears to be on sick leave or possibly occupied in court. It will only be a matter of time before his animosity resurfaces. In regards to JWI, he remains the unyielding apostate-driven person he has been for more than ten years. This is unlikely to change. He convinces himself that God approves of his contributions, thus giving him a free pass to cause others to falter, much like a particular faction within an exclusive enclave. 


You have just expressed the common and pedestrian viewpoint which typifies the shallowness of those who reside in the open club. However, your statement also provides opportunity for the rare person who possesses true wisdom and insight to let his brilliance and intellectual rigor shine brightly beneath all the sun. This is crucial to recognize. But where in the world is there in the world a man so extraordinaire? C’est moi, who resides—where else?—in the closed club.

The nugget of pure wisdom to be revealed today, which you would do well to write upon the surface of your brain: @Pudgy and @JW Insider are one and the same. They both have commented here forever. They both disappeared at exactly the same time. What further proof could anyone ask for?

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30 minutes ago, George88 said:

But, if you must ask, why haven't you asked "JWI" an ex-bethelite why he hides behind that odious moniker that is contrary to his purpose here as an opposer to God's truth?

I have. Now I’m asking you. Why do you hide behind a moniker?

30 minutes ago, George88 said:

You're tapping into the complex realm of human psychology, which must be thoroughly comprehended before being scrutinized.

No. You asked what seemed to be a rhetorical and loaded question and I responded in good faith. So let’s show each other the respect and courtesy of allowing each other to define and articulate his own position. 

30 minutes ago, George88 said:

The sole credibility that should capture your attention is "scripture." The divine Word and its precise interpretation are the utmost importance. In moments of uncertainty, the apostles sought the wisdom and comprehension of Jesus through the ancient scrolls. They recognized Jesus as the embodiment of truth, just as the Bible should serve as the guiding light for those who aspire to walk in His footsteps.

Of course Scripture is important. But sometimes persons outside our beliefs can see us in ways we fail to see. Criticisms can be edifying if they can help us out of error. So humility is also in order. I don't think anyone is well enough to avoid error absolutely, but some people are better at avoiding error than others. When we work together, we can help each other out, those with strengths in an area helping those with weaknesses in that area. So by jumping into the discussion, whether we are weak or strong, we can grow. 

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2 hours ago, George88 said:

Given JWI's fondness for traveling, perhaps he's on a trip to the British Museum to explore the latest additions to its collection of artifacts.

Nah, I just saw him grabbing coffee and doughnuts at the Gas n Go, making his way to the Tommy James and the Shondells concert.

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1 hour ago, George88 said:

If he hasn't demonstrated it, there's no need to pressure others about it.

Once again, it is insignificant and your primary concern should be on matters pertaining to God, rather than humans.

No one is pressuring anyone here. I am asking, why do you hide and use a moniker. Using Whataboutisms and Tu quoque is not an answer.  What is the standard here, truth, honesty, trasparency, or your alleged opposer’s behavior? 

As far as I know, everyone in Scripture that represented, spoke, rebuked and ministered to God revealed who they were, where they stood, and took responsibility for their words, by allowing them to be connected with their personal identity. Real names made them accountable for their words, by tying their reputations to what they said and how they said it. 

Why don’t you follow that pattern? Where is the accountability? Who are you? 

1 hour ago, George88 said:

If there's no understanding, then it doesn't matter how well-crafted a response is if it's incorrect. Comprehension is essential for meaningful communication.

The issue lies in the prevalence of misguided opinions and misinterpretations of the Bible. This leads to individuals adamantly defending these false narratives. How can one expect to find logic, reasoning, and wisdom with such a mindset?

Essentially, the Pharisees adopted a mindset in which they genuinely thought they were carrying out God's will, yet they failed to realize the detrimental impact they were having on their own people, by elevating themselves instead of God. 

So teach me. Let’s go out in service and discuss your concerns and your advice. Show me what is your objective? and what is it that you want me to comprehend? Putting aside my opinions and misinterpretations and having the right mindset.

1 hour ago, George88 said:

Did Christ care about how others perceived him? The Pharisees labeled him an apostate for not following their Jewish law and teachings. They were like "scholars" of God's law. So, why care about outside opinions and criticism from those who don't grasp scripture at all?

You are placing too much "weight" on credibility that isn't there. I have debated top bible scholars, including Catholic Bishops and Cardinals, long with many more religious denominations such as Judasim, Buddhism etc. In private, they agreed with many of my biblical insights or stance on natural formation. In public, they would be as Judas was to Jesus, but it didn't matter. What counts, God knows. You are seeking God's approval not man's.

Yes. Jesus cared how others perceived him. He was the Great Shepherd, but he also was the new teaching interpretative authority in Israel thus could rebuke others. I am seeking God’s approval, but I am not an island. I’m material and tied to others, our neighbors that Jesus spoke about. We are social by nature, so here now or in the future we are a community not lone rangers.


1 hour ago, George88 said:

Being humble is both admirable and essential. However, it becomes truly enlightening when combined with spiritual strength rather than spiritual weakness. This understanding is the essence of spiritual maturity. We must acknowledge our imperfections without seeking excuses or using them as a reason to persist in the wrong direction. What benefit is there in refusing to learn from the apostles, who put their trust in the wisdom of Christ?

Therefore, it is more compassionate to help your brother recognize the mistakes in their actions rather than allowing them to persist on that misguided path. Apostle Paul's use of strong language such as "rebuke" serves a meaningful purpose. The important distinction lies in the fact that Tom attempts to rebuke me in order to defend apostasy and a disfellowshipped member he favors. This type of rebuke is misguided. Instead of Tom rebuking these controversial individuals for leading people astray and causing them to stumble, both here and perhaps in the closed club, he chooses to show empathy for the wrong reasons. This is not an admirable quality, but rather a misleading one.

So teach me spiritual strength and maturity, but also teach me truth, transparency and honesty. And you can start by telling me who you are? and why you hide? 

Because if you don’t, you are making me stumble, and can’t even offer me the basics of what it means to be a Christian or a Jehovah’s Witness. All you are offering is a dynamic that brings reproach on Jehovah, which is hostile and nasty bickering, vindictive, which is unhelpful and antagonistic. More spiritually harmful than helpful and a waste of time.

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12 hours ago, George88 said:

I understand that you want to take on the responsibility of representing individuals like Pudgy, JWI, Tom, and others. However, I believe that engaging in constructive discussions won't be possible based on your alignment with the opposition, Juan Rivera. Therefore, I don't find your association with them valuable. If you express an opinion that I perceive as misleading or misinterpreting scripture, I will provide my comments on that. It seems you are not seeking a teacher, but rather a caretaker. I already have a job!

How do you know we’re not going to reach a constructive discussion? And if you believe we’re not going to reach it, then why are you even commenting here? Why would you need to attempt to engage in (if not hamper with) an activity that you believe cannot possibly succeed? If you believe that, then why bother attempting to *reason* with me? Your actions seem not to be consistent with your claim. At the same time you are making an uncharitable claim and it’s a personal attack, because you are accusing other Christians of loving an ideology above the truth. Personal attacks, however, are easy. You are free to argue here that something we believe or claim is false, but you are not free to engage in personal attacks. A precondition for entering into dialogue is the principle of love, presuming in the other person a love for the truth above all else. 

10 hours ago, George88 said:

My abilities may seem insignificant, but I have been chosen for a noble purpose to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly, unburdened by distractions. I am compelled to confront those distractions, as I witness the misuse of God's name in a profane manner, which tarnishes the reputation of our Creator. There is no need for me to explain what is already evident, as there is a lack of spiritual growth among those with closed minds. God does not seek mindless followers or those who believe that monetary contributions to the Watchtower organization will absolve them from judgment.

What are you claiming here? Who appointed you? The call to rebuke/repent witnesses requires that they recognize both your authority, love and trustworthiness. You have established neither. Apart from divine miracles, it takes time to establish your authority, love and credibility. It requires that they recognize that they have sinned against God, and that you have authority to speak in Jehovah's behalf to rebuke or call to repent. It requires that they see Jehovah's love in you. Otherwise, is is offensive because you are being presumptuous and are engaging in hortatory coercion. The natural response is the same given to Moses: Who made you ruler and judge over us? 

10 hours ago, George88 said:

Continuing to ask or insist only makes your opinion irrelevant.

The fact you state, my "alleged" opposer's behavior, is an indicator of your unwillingness to accept reality as you don't believe there are no false narratives being presented. Yet, you want to call on transparency when it's clear, your assertions have no meaning.

That's why you use the same approach and arguments as others here who do not see the opposing point of view. You are on par with Many Miles, JWI, Xero, Tom, and numerous others in the closed club.

Now it's clear, you just want to fight.

Continuing to give non answers is not in line with what you claim to represent. I said "alleged" because you are bringing other people unrelated to my question. Whataboutisms are not going to cut it. This is not a fight.

11 hours ago, George88 said:

However, you praise and admire JWI despite the use of scripture when apostasy is present in a negative way. So, where is the responsibility when that behavior is contrary to scripture?

Now you are defending the indefensible like Tom.

Whataboutims, Tu quoque. 

12 hours ago, George88 said:

If your comments reflect a closed mindset, what lessons do you think Jesus could impart to the Pharisees that anyone with a closed mind could learn here?

That's like trying to make a horse drink water against its will. When has God ever forced his creation to not have a choice?

Already answered above. 

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@George88 Your childish behavior is speaking of others in the third person, trying to preach to onlookers as if this is a soapbox, and lecturing about your own beliefs claiming to be a Jehovah's Witness. All while hiding under a Mask/Moniker and claiming to have been appointed with authority to rebuke others. And when asked who you are, you deflect and bring up your "opposers" "What about JWI, What about Pudgy? What about this? What about that... When the truth is, if your overseers knew the authority you are claiming for yourself here in the forum, you would get disciplined by the congregation for misrepresenting your role. Someone that would claim such a thing without any proof is already deeply misguided and opposing God. It seems clear that you need to be reigned in by some kind of Congregation discipline, under threat of disfellowshipping if necessary.

I have already revealed who I am. Juan Rivera is not a Nickname.


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16 hours ago, George88 said:

You are on par with Many Miles, JWI, Xero, Tom, and numerous others in the closed club.


16 hours ago, George88 said:

I understand that you want to take on the responsibility of representing individuals like Pudgy, JWI, Tom, and others


1 hour ago, George88 said:

you are just condensing like Tom and JWI.


1 hour ago, George88 said:

It seems like you're starting to resemble Tom.


1 hour ago, George88 said:

Tom, JWI. There's no need to involve an unsuitable person


1 hour ago, George88 said:

Regarding Tom's nickname

You wouldn’t be trying to get my attention, would you? Don’t you have any life at all?

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11 minutes ago, Juan Rivera said:

I have already revealed who I am. Juan Rivera is not a Nickname.

this is true. I recently met in person a brother named Jim, who hosts a blog and you have mentioned him before. I brought up your name and he confirmed he had met you.

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19 minutes ago, George88 said:

Yet, the discussion was about JWI, not him. When JWI reveals his true identity, then I will consider revealing mine. Don't twist the narrative like children.

Is that when we get to learn all about your ‘ rich and complex ‘ life story? I’m surprised I’ve not read about it in the Watchtower or maybe it can be added to the Canon as a late entrant. 

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