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58 minutes ago, George88 said:

When you deeply engage with scripture, Juan Rivera, you will uncover the astounding authority held by God and how He imparted it. "Rebuke" was an enlightening term. Your existence as false witnesses holds no significance for me. What truly matters is exposing the apostasy of JWI and the individuals who, like Many Miles, Miracle Pete, and countless others under different names that Tom uses, persist on the same misguided path. The fact that James is absent and unable to support the burden as an irredeemable excommunicated individual, whom Tom detested me for revealing, only serves to demonstrate your people's willingness to defend apostasy while still claiming to be Jehovah's Witnesses. This, my friends, makes you the embarrassment, not me, and traitors to God.

If you find my characterization of JWI's mindset as apostate driven uncomfortable, challenge it directly with him; he would benefit from the rebuke. Your appreciation for him is insignificant in God's eyes and ought to be to genuine JWs.


@George88 All heretics quote scripture. That is not enough. So, who are the "brothers" you are trying to rebuke that have offended thee? Are these "brothers" of yours the same you are calling "false witnesses" "apostates", whose existence is meaningless to you? Is offending thee, now offending, tarnishing, profaning God and thus you are compelled to confront them? And if they are, which moniker are they offending? 

When you engage scripture, you will learn to be truthful and forthcoming and not hide behind a mask/moniker pretending to have received authority from God without any proof, trying to dictate judgment on others. That's what truly matters.  If you have no proof you exist as a false minister and you have nothing but bosom-burning (internal conviction).


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1 hour ago, George88 said:

However, none of you apply it correctly. Those who deserve rebukes know exactly who they are, and even you, if you persist in your ways.

I quote scripture with authority because there is nothing better than God's word. Instead of getting caught up in a confusing discussion with me, try applying that mindset to debate with JWI and Tom. As I've mentioned before, your arguments have no significance to me at this point.

Because of the ban that you caused for one of my colleagues, I now consider you even less important in my thoughts. I finally comprehend why that individual took issue with your empty rhetoric.

@George88So, who in the closed club is a true believer, according to the George88 moniker? and who is a colleague? Give me the specific criteria and sins so I won’t persist in my ways and be deserving of your rebuke. 

There is only one in the forum that I know of, who is trying to sit in the seat of Moses. Scripture has authority because it’s divine, independent of whoever quotes it. I’m still trying to figure out where do you get this authority you claim to have? Who appointed you? After you answer, I’ll understand better where you are coming from and where you are trying to go and discuss your concerns with the forum.



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7 hours ago, George88 said:

You're going in circles and your spiritual immaturity has been clearly demonstrated. I don't think there's anything more to talk about. However, if you share something that contradicts the understanding of scripture, like some individuals in the closed club - and you know exactly who they are since you're a part of it - I will bring up the undeniable facts that expose their misinterpretation.

Witnesses should have a strong grasp of scripture. However, when individuals disregard God's laws, like the Pharisees did, in order to elevate themselves, it is important for the public to be aware. It's essential to clarify that we do not represent the Watchtower, and furthermore, your understanding of the Bible seems to be lacking.

Once again, you know who you are as a selected group for your puppet master.

It's pretty clear that you are a troll, hiding behind a Moniker because you can't face the music. And since you are obstinate about your ways claiming to posses an authority you can't prove, it's helpful for other persons who may be participating in or listening or watching the conversation see that dangerous behavior. 

It's essential to clarify that you are claiming  an appointment and to be a Jehovah's Witness and  speak for the brothers. You are not coming here speaking on your own name. Nobody knows who you are. That is the difference. 

Your puppet master analogy is fitting for someone that keeps hides behind different personas. Much like a Hydra, that's why you haven't been banned.


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2 hours ago, George88 said:

Yes! Anna Junior, I wouldn't expect anything but a pathetic response from a nobody worth its weight as a fake witness. I prefer engaging in debates with intelligent individuals who possess a comprehensive understanding, rather than wasting time arguing with ignorant individuals who defend apostates.

Name calling someone that has giving you his real name is Childish behavior. Coming to a forum attempting to engage in debates with other witnesses and attempting to expose and set the record straight is going against the Congregation's counsel of Scripture. Ask your elders and tell them to read your posts under your Moniker George88 and see what they tell you. 

2 hours ago, George88 said:

If you insist on taking on the role of devil's advocate, it is crucial that you fully comprehend the negative impact that this website has had, not only on God, but also on the reputation of the Watchtower organization. Since 2013, this website has been filled with numerous distortions, falsehoods, misinterpretations, and misapplications not just of scripture but the Watchtower publications. And let's not forget how it underwent a rebranding in 2016, further perpetuating these harmful influences. It's alarming how the same individuals continue to play a part in this destructive cycle. So, learn, otherwise, your part of that same problem and not the solution!

If you keep insisting in adopting this vigilante persona, you are just adding another voice to the cacophony of competing voices. Scripture is just as adamant against vigilante Christians as it is about false teachers/prophets.

3 hours ago, George88 said:

If you haven't realized it by now, Juan Rivera, you have been engaged in a fruitless struggle with me for several days, rather than engaging in meaningful conversation about the post, like Srecko the apostate or the harmful nonsense of Pudgy, Many Miles, Miracle Pete, alongside your companion JWI, whom you admire. You are aligning with the same mindset as the pharisees in the time of Jesus, influenced by Satan. Therefore, get behind me Satan, for you are a stumbling block for True JWs. Matthew 16:23 It's time to behave like an adult, not a whining child.

If you haven't realized, the name of this thread is : "Forum participants we have known"  I'm trying to understand who is this Moniker George88 claiming to be a JW with authority, all while engaging in ugly, combative, abrasive, uncivil, mean spirited, and entirely useless rhetoric for resolving disagreements or persuading anyone.

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3 hours ago, George88 said:

Take, for example, a theory proposed by Tom, that you just agreed with in another past thread, a former elder with an axe to grind.

Opinions, assertions and theories are easy, they are dime a dozen. If assertions were sufficient to establish a truth of a claim, then I could simply assert that you are mistaken. 

What is this axe to grind, according to you?

3 hours ago, George88 said:

He is convinced that there are certain issues within the organization that need addressing. According to him, there should be a redefined structure and leadership within the organization. However, the question arises: who is he to dictate this when it is ultimately within God's purview to govern the organization from heavenly realm? In both the Old and New Testaments, it is emphasized that God is the ultimate authority in deciding if changes are warranted, not man.

I have read plenty of posts here and in the closed forum about ecclesiology. That has been my focus for the past year. Show me where Tom says there should be a redefined structure and leadership within the organization?

Show me what issues Tom says should be addressed?

Be that as it may, what are you trying to curtail here? Fallible, limited imperfect opinions? Are JWs not allowed now to have personal opinions? Is anyone here claiming to posses authority from the Congregation besides yourself? Is any JW here dictating how God should Govern the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses? No.

3 hours ago, George88 said:

So, it is Tom who is wrong, not the organization, for thinking he is superior to God by wanting or demanding changes when he is nobody. Therefore, his opinion doesn't matter. The same goes for JWI, as they share the same mindset, so his opinion doesn't matter either. What truly matters is that those in positions of responsibility adhere to the will of God and do their best to apply scripture in their lives, so they can serve as exemplary spiritual leaders. What kind of leadership do you think Tom and JWI possess here? It is clear why Tom is no longer an Elder; and why JWI is no longer a ministerial servant. They are simply not worthy of holding such a position. Not with the kind of conduct they display here. Yet Tom defends a disfellowshipped individual because he is a long contributor to this forum. How much more "wrong" can he get with that mindset?

Show me where Tom or JWI have demanded these changes you claim? 


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23 minutes ago, Juan Rivera said:

Show me where Tom or JWI have demanded these changes you claim? 

While you were away, some speculated that George is himself disfellowshipped and is taking his revenge by creating the most judgmental and unpleasant persona possible, and trying to present it as the way Witnesses are.

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32 minutes ago, George88 said:

I believe that both you, Tom, and your partner in crime, JWI, are among those who are disfellowshipped alongside James. However, I find it absolutely hilarious! I will definitely share this nonsense with my group, as I'm sure they will find it just as amusing.

Would this ‘group’ consist of BTK, Alphonso , Boyle and Allen ? 

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5 hours ago, George88 said:

Juan Rivera, your comments are irrelevant, as they come from someone who is immature and ignorant. You are simply defending apostasy, making you no different from other long-time contributors here like James (Pudgy) Tom, JWI.

Have you inquired about James Thomas Rook Jr's reason behind changing his Moniker to Pudgy? Have you asked Srecko about his true identity? Have you asked ANNA, "thinking", or "comfortmypeople" about their actual names? Cease acting like a brat!

Discussing name-calling, as you labeled me a troll, what does that make you, an obtuse individual? It's time to mature and improve your communication skills.

Yes, I am aware of the subject at hand. Has JWI disclosed his real name to you or anyone else with titles not names like mine "George" you arrogant being? As soon as he takes action, I will do the same! Meanwhile, you're wasting your efforts on a fruitless endeavor.

I have inquired  about others here. I have yet to find anyone making your baseless outlandish claims. Witnesses sharing personal opinions is not apostasy. 

So I ask you, who appointed you to rebuke others, your overseers? What would they say about the content of your posts and this George88 persona? Do they know? 

If you have been banned in the past, only for you to come back under a different moniker, and resort to deception and disruption and lack of accountability, then you are a troll.

Part or being mature and getting out of ignorance is that before you start trusting persons’ statements about themselves, you have to determine that they are trustworthy and truthful.  You are neither. 

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5 hours ago, George88 said:

You, as a denier, don't have a valid opinion. It is clear that you are the one who is mistaken.

Who is the faceless disembodied username falsely claiming to speak for JWs with authority from safety of his electronic foxhole? Is that you George88?

5 hours ago, George88 said:

Before using complex terms like "ecclesiology," it's important to fully understand their meaning. If you're not familiar with the concept, it's best to avoid using it. Additionally, if you agree with someone's post, it's essential to truly comprehend their perspective before showing support.

Before you start issuing imperatives and exhortations, make sure you understand what you are criticizing.

3 hours ago, George88 said:

I believe that both you, Tom, and your partner in crime, JWI, are among those who are disfellowshipped alongside James. However, I find it absolutely hilarious! I will definitely share this nonsense with my group, as I'm sure they will find it just as amusing.

Tom, your assertion that I am disfellowshipped lacks intellectual coherence. If I were truly disfellowshipped, I would be more receptive to the apostate content posted here, whereas I vehemently disagree with your group's deceitful nature as false prophets. It seems you are arguing against my behavior, which in turn challenges your own behavior.

Spare me your nonsense and speculations. I doubt your overseers even know the things you are claiming here.  If you truly want to know my status you need to ask my overseers, but I doubt you’ll do it, or that they’ll be interested in answering a disembodied troll username called George88.

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4 hours ago, George88 said:

Tom, your assertion that I am disfellowshipped lacks intellectual coherence. If I were truly disfellowshipped, I would be more receptive to the apostate content posted here, whereas I vehemently disagree with your group's deceitful nature as false prophets. It seems you are arguing against my behavior, which in turn challenges your own behavior.

@George88 The constant danger of this rigorist mindset of yours is that whenever you attempt to take up the mission of vigilante, or Rebuker of other brothers or JWs by claiming to advance doctrinal orthodoxy, under a moniker, a false identity, without any authority or any appointment from the Congregation, you are allowing your zeal for the truth to blind you, and are fighting against the Congregation, in the name of truth. It seems clear that your behavior needs to be reigned in by some kind of Congregation discipline, under threat of disfellowshipping if necessary.

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