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5 minutes ago, ComfortMyPeople said:

Sorry, I upvoted again!!

No need to apologize. The voting system is fair and accessible to all. If it were not, the owner would not allow everyone to exercise their right to vote. You have always been devoted to one man, but it would be more fulfilling to devote yourself to God instead.

Note to oneself!

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Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.

AlanF commented quite often on this forum when he was alive. He and @scholar JW had a history going back for many years —decades—according to scholar JW. Same with Ann O’maly whom scholar JW also appe

When AlanF, in full evolutionist mode, savaging anyone who ‘refused to learn,’ made a similar statement, I said, “It’s just you and me, you blowhard! plus maybe a half-dozen more. What! Do you think y

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2 hours ago, BTK59 said:

It seems that someone had to do it, as the list of upvotes for "comfortmypeople" was there, but now it has disappeared. It's truly perplexing how those with moderator privileges can carry out certain actions and then try to defend themselves or others.

No. They are all still there. I just checked, although those ones are now 4 hours old. No one changed anything. Take a screenshot yourself from the link I gave and if you get something different, I'm sure you can post it. If not, I assume you already know that no one made any changes and you can stop claiming otherwise. Here are a few from that period. image.png

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@BTK59 Curiously, I just checked the Profile views going back several years for Alphonse, ComfortMyPeople and JW Insider and although many others have visited, your account shows up on none of them. That would normally indicate that you never clicked on any of the links above, or never visited any of the pages you are making claims about. Perhaps something is wrong:


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28 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

No. They are all still there. I just checked, although those ones are now 4 hours old. No one changed anything. Take a screenshot yourself from the link I gave and if you get something different, I'm sure you can post it. If not, I assume you already know that no one made any changes and you can stop claiming otherwise. Here are a few from that period. 

Alright, I was referring to the activity section, not the privileges you have as a moderator. All I can see is Alphonese, and...

Anna 1.jpgAnna 2.jpgcomfort 2.jpg

Are you concerned that your supporters only express their opinions through votes without anyone supporting the truth?


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16 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Curiously, I just checked the Profile views going back several years for Alphonse, ComfortMyPeople and JW Insider and although many others have visited, your account shows up on none of them. That would normally indicate that you never clicked on any of the links above, or never visited any of the pages you are making claims about. Perhaps something is wrong:

Are you asking whether you are referring to browsing past posts or posts that have been archived to expose public deception? You need to be more specific. Bear in mind that starting an argument is not permitted. However, in accordance with your bylaws, individuals are not allowed to contest those one-sided arguments under the threat of being banned, which seems to be your intended outcome. Although many people, including Juan Rivera, have engaged in fights with George, it is noteworthy that George was the sole individual subjected to a ban.

Therefore, what excuse are you seeking for you to ban me?

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That reminded me of Donna Summers song, Hot Stuff, lol! Continue creating aliases and accounts that support your perspective. Love it! Just highlights how "one" person is unfairly targeted, lol! Keep it up!

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Tom, come on! Seriously, Vic the Parrot strikes again. At least your alias isn't vocal, but be careful Tom: downvotes are seen as an ad hominem attack. I recommend you refrain from attacking yourself. lol!

Does that only apply to me, Alphonse, and the now-banned George?

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1 hour ago, BTK59 said:

Tom, come on! Seriously, Vic the Parrot strikes again. At least your alias isn't vocal, but be careful Tom: downvotes are seen as an ad hominem attack. I recommend you refrain from attacking yourself. lol!

Does that only apply to me, Alphonse, and the now-banned George?

I’ve never been a Trinitarian, until now. 

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22 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I didn't remove anything though.

Oh yeah? Well, what about the profiles I can no longer find?! Seriously, guys like Dr. Max “Ace” Inhibitor, Bob “Hammer” Urabi, and Bill Ding (an LDC brother). I search for them, but can no longer find them!

Seriously, I lost track of some of them. Some I probably forgot. Some I probably misspelled. Is there an easy way to locate them? Do you have a master spreadsheet that gathers them all so you can tell me? I miss their upvotes.

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@"Hammer" Rubi @"Hammer" Urabi @Dr. Adhominem @Dr. Adhominum 

No. My guess is that when the software for the forum has to be reloaded now and then for maintenance issues, there were a couple of yours that got lost during updates due to attempts to include too many items of special characters and punctuation. Also you can see the attempts to create near duplicates as in the ones I listed above which might sooner or later get flagged by software as superfluous.

Or maybe I imagined that they were being rude to me or insulting me, or worse yet, downvoted me, and I just banned them without telling you. More power to the moderators!!

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12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Or maybe I imagined that they were being rude to me or insulting me, or worse yet, downvoted me, and I just banned them without telling you. More power to the moderators!!

It is important to note that you both seem to be intentionally referring to Tom's aliases and pretending as usual. The fact that Tom's old aliases are still accessible only confirms the moderator's power to ban after years of deceit. It is evident that past aliases banned by you have not been able to reconnect under the same name, making it an unjust behavior. It is clear that there have been instances of rudeness, insults, and obnoxious behavior from your side. This obsession with deception should stop. Didn't you just admit you have insulted in the past? Why have you not imposed a ban on yourself? Once more, this blatant double standard in defending the indefensible is becoming apparent.

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