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JW Insider

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3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

No. My guess is that when the software for the forum has to be reloaded now and then for maintenance issues, there were a couple of yours that got lost during updates due to attempts to include too many items of special characters and punctuation.

And what about Dr Inhibitor’s nurse, Hep See? Where is she? No special characters at all in her name, though she herself is a character.

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Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.

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When AlanF, in full evolutionist mode, savaging anyone who ‘refused to learn,’ made a similar statement, I said, “It’s just you and me, you blowhard! plus maybe a half-dozen more. What! Do you think y

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3 hours ago, BTK59 said:

This is the type of deceit and dishonesty that disgusts people and leads to banning. Joking aside, the image that Toms presents is just a way to divert the public's attention from their true hidden agenda: deception. Using the name of the Watchtower to defame and slander God's people is a highly irresponsible act. Such individuals shame both God and the Watchtower by misusing its name in an open forum, thereby engaging in irresponsible behavior.

From what I have read and understood from the topic, it seems that most past participants who have not been removed for taking on the responsibility for the truth and mostly those who remain are insincere individuals except one. That is indeed a significant burden to carry, especially considering that you may not be able to change the minds of those who have already firmly made up their minds and hearts, not necessarily in the right direction, but in their own way.
Wouldn't it be simpler to convey God's message of disapproval using texts such as Proverbs 6:16-19 without engaging anyone here? It seems clear that they will not be able to convince us in the public eye of the behavior described in the Omnibus Mand and the conclusions drawn from it.

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27 minutes ago, nkboswell said:

From what I have read and understood from the topic, it seems that most past participants who have not been removed for taking on the responsibility for the truth and mostly those who remain are insincere individuals except one. That is indeed a significant burden to carry, especially considering that you may not be able to change the minds of those who have already firmly made up their minds and hearts, not necessarily in the right direction, but in their own way.
Wouldn't it be simpler to convey God's message of disapproval using texts such as Proverbs 6:16-19 without engaging anyone here? It seems clear that they will not be able to convince us in the public eye of the behavior described in the Omnibus Mand and the conclusions drawn from it.

It appears that this has been attempted before, but unfortunately, individuals who tried to simply downvote were banned. It seems that merely posting text without any commentary or context is frowned upon here, particularly if the text comes from the Bible. Curiously, I am aware of someone who suffered a similar fate for posting Bible verses without offering any additional insight by being banned. It seems that here, it does not matter whether a person engages in arguments or not. What they do not want is for their true nature to be revealed to the public. They seem to be keen on maintaining an authority that mimics the Pharisees, exerting control and dominance, which contradicts the instruction found in 1 Peter 5:3. It is clear that they prioritize self-preservation over true transparency and accountability.

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On 6/8/2024 at 3:23 PM, nkboswell said:

Wouldn't it be simpler to convey God's message of disapproval using texts such as Proverbs 6:16-19 without engaging anyone here?

 I couldn't agree more, Kimball. 

(Proverbs 6:16-19) 16 There are six things that Jehovah hates; Yes, seven things that he detests: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart plotting wicked schemes, and feet that run quickly to evil, 19 A false witness who lies with every breath, And anyone sowing contentions among brothers.

Haughty eyes: Most of us have failed at times in thinking more of ourselves than we ought to think. But there are several accounts on this forum that quickly come to mind when most of us think of haughtiness: persons who constantly boast that they are the only true Witness here and who spend most of their time denigrating others, sometimes even indicating that there is only one sincere individual on the entire forum, and the weighty responsibility that this one person has taken on.

A lying tongue is harder to judge from a distance. Except for certain claims that have appeared to be ridiculous, or which have been later contradicted by the same person (sometimes under a different account name), no one can tell whether a person is "lying" or just has issues where reality gets mixed up and overridden through an obsession with their own ulterior motives. You can often suspect when a person is plotting to manipulate or using wordplay and technicalities to deceive, but we can't always judge whether the motive was defending something they don't themselves understand, grasping at straws and strawmen and logical fallacies, but without the true willful motivation of lying. We leave this one in Jehovah's hands. 

Hands that shed innocent blood. Fortunately, on a forum like this few will physically murder anyone. Some will take on personas like B.T.K. or Billy The Kid, known for shedding innocent blood, but this is just their own form of fantasy gunplay. There is a concern that is sometimes brought up that if someone brings up a controversial doctrine here (like chronology date setting related to the times and seasons, or "overlapping generations" or "pyramidology") that this alone will stumble persons and they will no longer respect the Watchtower or the Governing Body, which in turn can lead to their falling away and losing eternal life. That's a valid concern, but this can be taken so far as to be the equivalent of a claim that no one should read books, or read the old Watch Tower publications, or Russell-related court documents, or newspapers, or use Google or Bing. When all the same controversial information is available from Mr. Google, what does it matter if another person brings it up here? If there's a good answer to the controversy, then where else but to bring it up online, where the controversy can exist side-by-side with the truth about it. A person would only likely be upset about this if they want to continue to believe a perspective that they cannot defend. 

And anyone sowing contentions among brothers. I skipped a couple to get right to the big one. It's interesting to me that this is the one that ends the list, giving it special emphasis as if it tops off all the rest and somehow becomes tantamount to shedding innocent blood. When it comes to this forum, I believe that most persons only think of ONE person, and that person's DOZENS of accounts over that last 10 years. The person might mean well. They might even think they are a vigilante appointed by God to be a Wyatt Earp, N.K.Boswell, Walter Prescott, Moise Racette style lawman in a Wild Wild West World Wide Web. But it's worth considering why God would even want someone so prone to contentiousness to be his one and only spokesman of truth on a backwater no-account forum like this.

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I guess it's only funny to the ones doing the banning, not the ones being banned.

Oh! By the way, @nkboswell Watch out! You have just received the kiss of death. You are now marked as one of us. I suppose you are now Allen, George, Alphonse, me or perhaps one of the many other aliases he enjoys linking to one individual while he "refuses" to link the ones generated by Tom to cleverly mock a shameful reaction.


That's just the way things are here. If you embrace JWI's logic and pay homage to him, you'll be alright. To maintain favor with Tom and JWI is crucial, reminiscent of how first-century Christians were compelled to do so with the Pharisees.



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1 hour ago, BTK59 said:

he enjoys linking to one individual while he "refuses" to link the ones generated by Tom to cleverly mock a shameful reaction.

By "refuses" I think you meant that I was the first one to link his spoof accounts to him. Of course, it was easy for a moderator to look up the IP address and see that he wasn't hiding anything. They all came from the same IP address from the same account and same location that his regular account came from. A moderator can also see where a person gets the email address associated with their account(s). He didn't even try to hide his account sources via a VPN service as some people do.

An astute moderator can even watch the IP addresses which come from various VPN services, and although the locations are not really where the person is located, you can tell when several accounts have used the same VPN service which usually only offer a limited set of VPN servers.

To avoid detection if one wishes to use multiple accounts as sock puppets to "enhance" their reputation, or downgrade others they should do the following:

  • Pay for a premium VPN service that doesn't give itself away by naming their VPN/IP servers or chooses from just two or three "free" servers when the premium can randomly choose from dozens.
  • Mix up the email service providers that are used in order to produce the separate accounts, and make the same sound legitimately associated with the account name, rather than random characters.
  • Keep your own spreadsheet or database or document to keep clear which account speaks with a different voice, has different quirks, different levels of education/knowledge/specialties, different levels of attention to grammar/punctuation/spelling, different "accent," different personalities, age, location, etc.

On that last point, there have been several cases where the new account starts off doing this very well for 10 or 20 posts, then gets lazy and reverts back to the original personality.

Of course, I'm not really recommending that anyone create multiple accounts. But I doubt that anyone has ever been banned here over the practice. This forum includes a lot of "entertainment" content, and I think that most people find the use of multiple accounts either entertaining or psychologically revealing. Either way, that's a form of entertainment for me. I happen to like puzzles, too. TTH , for example, clearly created the separate accounts for entertainment purposes, including satirizing some who took their separate accounts a little too seriously. But so what? No one cares about the separate accounts unless they are clearly used as a means to create contention. And even when this happened, it might be a small annoyance to some persons, but no one has been banned for having multiple accounts as far as I know.



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11 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

By "refuses" I think you meant that I was the first one to link his spoof accounts to him. Of course, it was easy for a moderator to look up the IP address and see that he wasn't hiding anything. They all came from the same IP address from the same account and same location that his regular account came from. A moderator can also see where a person gets the email address associated with their account(s). He didn't even try to hide his account sources via a VPN service as some people do.

Certainly! I'm thrilled that you've finally acknowledged the extraordinary abilities that you possess and are actively employing, particularly in implementing your ban capabilities, which you've undeniably possessed all this time despite your initial refusal to recognize them.

I briefly believed that you censored me by disabling my ability to post comments, but thankfully I am now able to do so again. I attribute the issue to a minor technical glitch for the time being. It is possible that your future decision to ban me will be a deliberate strategy to enforce your personal rules by defending and protecting unchristian people here.

18 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

An astute moderator can even watch the IP addresses which come from various VPN services, and although the locations are not really where the person is located, you can tell when several accounts have used the same VPN service which usually only offer a limited set of VPN servers.

I'm confident that you possess the same capabilities as us. There are specific reasons why certain information being shared here is actually a disinformation campaign, intended to perpetuate further deception.

21 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Of course, I'm not really recommending that anyone create multiple accounts. But I doubt that anyone has ever been banned here over the practice. This forum includes a lot of "entertainment" content, and I think that most people find the use of multiple accounts either entertaining or psychologically revealing. Either way, that's a form of entertainment for me. I happen to like puzzles, too. TTH , for example, clearly created the separate accounts for entertainment purposes, including satirizing some who took their separate accounts a little too seriously. But so what? No one cares about the separate accounts unless they are clearly used as a means to create contention. And even when this happened, it might be a small annoyance to some persons, but no one has been banned for having multiple accounts as far as I know.

It's accurate that people often ban those they have a personal issue with or dislike. However, over the course of 10 years, have they truly managed to suppress the truth from being revealed?

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On 6/8/2024 at 6:33 PM, BTK59 said:

That's just the way things are here. If you embrace JWI's logic and pay homage to him, you'll be alright.

Yes. LOL!!! The only reason you have survived here through hundreds of posts and George88 survived here for over 1,000 posts is because both of you continued to pay homage to me all that time. Thanks for the homage, both of you; it's so important. In fact, in some topics, I was referenced as JWI, JWInsider, or less edifying epithets by George and you in over 100 of the posts found in a single topic. All I need is to see my account name or some other reference to me in "print" and I bask in all that homage that you and George have paid to me all these months. Now it's just a matter of trying to figure out what I can buy with all that homage you guys have paid to me.

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I have moved several posts that veered off on the topic Russell/1914/chronology to a new topic:

You didn't need to go off-topic in an attempt to impress, especially since you didn't succeed.

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11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Yes. LOL!!! The only reason you have survived here through hundreds of posts and George88 survived here for over 1,000 posts is because both of you continued to pay homage to me all that time. Thanks for the homage, both of you; it's so important. In fact, in some topics, I was referenced as JWI, JWInsider, or less edifying epithets by George and you in over 100 of the posts found in a single topic. All I need is to see my account name or some other reference to me in "print" and I bask in all that homage that you and George have paid to me all these months. Now it's just a matter of trying to figure out what I can buy with all that homage you guys have paid to me.

Only a few individuals, such as comfortmypeople, Anna, Tom, and apostates like Srecko, pay respect and submit to you, a group of disingenuous pretenders and former members. I merely unveil the dishonesty of your contributions as an ex-bethelite on this forum. Your actions sow discord under the guise of serving God. Therefore, continue feigning righteousness with this meaningless comment that is clearly devoid of truth.

What have you done with George that you should have also done with Tom, Juan, and yourself? It's not fair to act impartial when you and Tom get angry and ban others instead of addressing the deceit and lies that all of you have contributed here as witnesses not in good standing or pretenders.

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