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I'm not surprised about anything any more. When I see the scope of the evil that humans have brought to life on this planet I'm at a loss as to why Jehovah hasn't ended this nonsense a long time ago.

This is headline news on the most watched cable news in America.  America is doomed. The inmates are running the Insane Asylum.    

He is just trying to get more votes because he's loosing to Trump.

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I'm not surprised about anything any more. When I see the scope of the evil that humans have brought to life on this planet I'm at a loss as to why Jehovah hasn't ended this nonsense a long time ago. I can no longer even imagine a series of events which would lead me to conclude that the end was something I should be expecting, as in the manner normal humans have as to expectations. All I can say is that the end will happen at an unexpected time, which could mean that my expectations based on events have to be thoroughly exhausted and then when it is no longer even possible to expect anything, then the end will come. But I say hasn't this already come to pass for many, many thousands upon thousands of people besides me and my puny thoughts? So even if I might contingently be exhausted as regards my expectations, then the end isn't anything contingent on anything any one of humanity might be expecting.

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…, it just occurred to me that ex-KGB Chief Vladimir Putin,although having more than half of the Russian Army having been killed or wounded in the Ukraine, could invade the United States with giant white transgender Easter Bunnies carrying tactical pony-nuke Easter Eggs with prominent genitalia …. and WIN.





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…. reminds me of three negro elders at the congregation I attended were talking about politics after a meeting, and I walked up and mentioned to them some stupid thing Obama did, and one of the elders absolutely BLEW UP, that I would DARE speak despairingly of Barak Hussein Obama!! The instantaneous and intense defense truly surprised me.

I concluded he was a “closet democrat”, as     many JWs are, as I was disappointed to learn over time.

Very sad.  Very, very sad.

I had the Elders confront me en banc when they learned I was a registered Republican, and I replied that in Finland Jehovah’s Witnesses are allowed to vote without any congregational sanctions whatsoever, and I was merely going by the rules Jehovah’s Witnesses go by in Finland.

They were stunned and made no further inquiry, so I got up and left.

I suspect, and it is just a guess, Georgie that you too, are a negro “closet democrat”.

 It’ a stereotype for sure, but you do fit the stereotype on so many, many points.


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… and anticipating accusations of “racism”, I assure you I am not, as my three children are mixed race, by deliberate design.

…. and may I remind you that the Roman Centurion Army Officer Cornelius, sworn to the service of the RomanEmpire, was described as a man of exceptional faith inJesus, and as a man specifically approved by God.

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The below proclamation quoted verbatim PROVES everything you said above IS A BALD FACED LIE.

(The "Transgender Day of Visibility" (TDOV) was started by transgender activist Rachel Crandall in 2009. NOT BARACK OBAMA. It was created to celebrate the transgender community and raise awareness about transgender rights and issues.)



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You really should refrain from political subject discussions, Georgie.

It merely emphasizes your distorted agenda driven view of the Universe in every aspect of thought.

…. and that you are wrong.

What you have shown is that YOU have a highly visible political perspective, while trying to claim you don’t.

… and that you are wrong.

Therefore, I hereby declare April 4, 2024,  “George88Vicar of Warwick Closet Democrat Visibility Day”  !


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I get along with ANYBODY who uses common sense, and bases his thinking and observations on PROVABLE FACTS.

Agenda driven people that wallow in fantasy and who intimidate others … not so much.

…. and BTK, I hate to break the news to you, but your “logical conclusions” have EVERYTHING to do with ego and  programmed agenda, and little, if anything to do with facts or logic.

The facts can vary dramatically, but your agenda  always remains the same.


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