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the great tribulation and armageddon

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While the observations presented above are valid, along with numerous other points, the ultimate purpose of the tribulation and Judgment Day is to acknowledge God's sovereignty as the supreme authorit

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il y a 40 minutes, in this night a dit :


Hello ! - what is the most important event during the great tribulation?


the answer is found in revelation 19:6
the most important event of the great tribulation
is therefore -- THE JUSTIFICATION OF
JEHOVAH'S SOVEREIGNTY -- In your opinion
this event occurs - before - during or after -


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Hello! The most important event during the Great Tribulation, according to Christian eschatology, is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This marks the culmination of the tribulation period and signals the end of the intense suffering and judgment on the world. It is believed that Christ will return to establish His millennial kingdom, defeat the forces of evil, and bring peace and justice to the earth. Many interpretations also emphasize the significance of the Battle of Armageddon and the final confrontation between good and evil leading up to this event.

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While the observations presented above are valid, along with numerous other points, the ultimate purpose of the tribulation and Judgment Day is to acknowledge God's sovereignty as the supreme authority over all creation. Jesus acts as the intermediary for humanity, not as a replacement but as a means to enhance God's governance over us. A period of 1,000 years will establish the groundwork for humanity to attain enduring perfection leading up to the final judgment. (Colossians 1:16; Revelation 4:11)

There is no greater emphasis than in Isaiah 46:9.

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The theme highlighted in Revelation 19:6, along with verse 5, underscores the powerful message that "God Reigns." However, there's a distinct divergence in interpretation between Christendom and scripture; Christendom often interprets "Lord" as a reference to Christ, while the scriptures point to the Father. This distinction is further supported by identifying the benefactor of John's Vision in Psalms 97:1.
NAS  Psalm 97:1 The LORD reigns; let the earth rejoice; Let the many islands be glad. (Ps. 97:1 NAS)

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On 9/23/2024 at 8:51 AM, jansheppard said:

While the observations presented above are valid, along with numerous other points, the ultimate purpose of the tribulation and Judgment Day is to acknowledge God's sovereignty as the supreme authority over all creation. Jesus acts as the intermediary for humanity, not as a replacement but as a means to enhance God's governance over us. A period of 1,000 years will establish the groundwork for humanity to attain enduring perfection leading up to the final judgment. (Colossians 1:16; Revelation 4:11)

There is no greater emphasis than in Isaiah 46:9.

That’s what it all comes down to,,,thanks.

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